Paddle Rimrock and Clear Lake

Paddle Rimrock and Clear Lake

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Perched high in the Cascades, Rimrock Lake and Clear Lake offer paddlers and motorized users a retreat amongst the trees. The crystal blue lakes hold the headwaters of the Tieton River and are the main irrigation sources for crops in the valley. Rimrock Lake is the larger of the two, but the water-level is not very consistent, making the beaches and sand bars a bit more unpredictable. Clear Lake is the smaller and tends to have a more consistent water level year round. This makes it a better option for those looking to swim, paddle, and hang out on a beach.

πŸ’‘ IHY WISDOM: If you have more than a day, consider camping at one of the beautiful lake-side campgrounds, or venture deep down the surrounding forest service roads and find a private spot all to yourself. Check out Sara Washburn and MahreMade for guided tours, clinics, yoga, and more.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Rimrock Lake & Clear Lake

(πŸ“·: Talia Kalina/Instagram)

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